Rent Receipt - Nuxt PDFMake


Rent Receipt

Learn how to create a rent receipt using the Nuxt pdfMake module.


This example demonstrates how to create a rent receipt using the Nuxt pdfMake module.


This is what the code looks like for the example above:

  <div class="h-[700px] w-full">
    <iframe v-if="pdfLink" :src="pdfLink" class="h-full w-full" />

<script setup lang="ts">
  import { _colors } from "#tailwind-config/theme";

  const pdfLink = ref();

  const loadPdf = async () => {
    const { $pdfMake } = useNuxtApp();

    const bigMarging: [number, number, number, number] = [0, 0, 0, 30];
    const smallMarging: [number, number, number, number] = [0, 0, 0, 10];

          content: [
              text: "Rent Reciept",
              margin: bigMarging,
              style: { alignment: "center", fontSize: 20, bold: true },
            // Date on the left
              text: [
                { text: "Date: ", bold: true },
                { text: "_______________________________", font: "Roboto" },
              margin: bigMarging,
            // Tenant
              text: [
                { text: "Tenant's Name: ", bold: true },
                { text: "____________________________________", font: "Roboto" },
              margin: smallMarging,
              text: [
                { text: "Address of the rented property: ", bold: true },
                { text: "_____________________________________________", font: "Roboto" },
              margin: bigMarging,
            // Amoun received
              text: [
                { text: "Amount Received: ", bold: true },
                { text: "____________________________________", font: "Roboto" },
              margin: smallMarging,
            // Payment method
            { text: "Payment Method:", style: { bold: true }, margin: smallMarging },
            "[  ]  Cash",
            "[  ]  Check",
            "[  ]  Money Order",
            { text: "[  ]  Other", margin: smallMarging },

              text: [
                { text: "Rent required: ", bold: true },
                { text: "____________________________________", font: "Roboto" },
              margin: smallMarging,
              text: [
                { text: "Rent outstanding:", bold: true },
                { text: "____________________________________", font: "Roboto" },
              margin: smallMarging,
              text: [
                { text: "Rent covers from ", bold: true },
                { text: "________________________", font: "Roboto" },
                { text: " to ", bold: true },
                { text: "________________________", font: "Roboto" },
              margin: [0, 0, 0, 50],
              columns: [
                { text: { text: "Landlord's Signature: ", bold: true }, margin: smallMarging },
                { text: { text: "Tenant's Signature: ", bold: true }, margin: smallMarging },
              columns: [
                { text: { text: "_______________________________", font: "Roboto" } },
                { text: { text: "_______________________________", font: "Roboto" } },
          defaultStyle: { color: _colors.slate[700], font: "playfair" },
          playfair: {
            bold: "",
      .getDataUrl((dataUrl: any) => {
        pdfLink.value = dataUrl;
  onMounted(async () => {
    await loadPdf();